Captain Ordinary
Origins of Ordinary, a one person show, written and performed by Jeff Kelley, brings the inside of the mind out onto the stage. Ordinary, a folk singer, is rehearsing his songs, but keeps wandering off into his inner world, putting on the hats of his cast of desirous personas, the crew of committee members who occupy his head and steer his life. This 50 minute show tells its story through original songs performed live by Ordinary, and theater using hats, lights, and a surround sound experience. It's a folk concert. It's a play. It's a therapy session for the performer.
Meet the Crew
It doesn't matter what man, I'm a behavior pattern. Let's totally over do things that feel good
I get blamed for a lot. Sometimes for good reason, but I really just want a family (photo by Chris Parreira)
I'm the brains inside this skull. I write the songs
It's pronounced Luh THAR gee. AKA, The Easy Chair Potato. Let's stay home and be comfortable
Captain Ordinary
We're going to work together, and put on a show